Parking Rules & Regs

 1. All owners and residents must provide the Board with license plate numbers of all vehicles that belong to them which will
be parked on the property.

2. Under law, fire lanes must be clear of all vehicles all the time. Unless the Board is aware of situations that require
temporary arrangements, all vehicles parked in the fire lanes will be towed, immediately.

3. No motor vehicle shall be driven on any part of the property other than on the paved parking lot.

4. No motor vehicle other than a currently licensed and insured vehicle in working order shall be parked in any exterior
parking space within the property. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing and for purposes of greater clarity, no
motor homes or other recreational vehicles, tractors, boats, trailers of any kind, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs),
machinery, storage pods, or equipment of any nature or kind are to be permitted to park in any open area within the
property without prior approval from the Board. Residents who are residing off-site for longer periods of time (during the
winter) must arrange for someone to move vehicles if needed.

5. Save for emergency repairs, no repairs, or adjustments to motor vehicles may be carried out on the property, except
within the garages.

6. The Board has the right to reassign stalls, as required.

7. No residents (owners and tenants) may use Visitor Parking to park their vehicles, except in cases of an emergency.
Visitors may use visitor parking without authorization between the hours of 7:00 AM and 12:00 midnight. Visitors who are
staying late must register with the Board by 10:00 PM.

8. Authorized Overnight Parking (AOP): All overnight guests must be registered with the Board by no later than 10:00 PM
via email to With that registration, residents must provide the unit #, license plate, make, colour
and length of anticipated stay. Registration will allow the Board to monitor the number of visits. The fee schedule is as follows:

-Residents are allowed one free AOP per month.

-Additional nights would be $5.00 per night.

-Alternatively, residents may rent a tag at a cost of $20.00 per ten visits, or $50.00 for thirty visits.
-AOP tags will be issued for any visits over two nights.

 -The tags must be displayed. Once the term of the tag has been exhausted, the tag must be returned. If a tag is lost the renter will pay $25 for a          new one.

-Overuse of tags may result in the owner being fined in compliance with the Condominium Act of Manitoba Section 218(1).

Since towing in the early hours of the morning may not always be possible, any vehicles found to be in violation of this
rule may be towed in the night, or the next time the car is found in the lot, or fines will be issued to the owner of the unit.

9. The Board/Property Manager will notify all owners via email when the parking lot is to be cleared of snow or sand, or for
painting or repairs. All residents will, subsequently, move their vehicles to the highway. All power cords must be draped
over the electric plug fence when not in use to avoid damage when snow clearing of the lots and sidewalks is being

10. Residents are asked to remove their vehicles, regardless of whether a notice is sent out, if there is a snow fall of four inches or more until the lot is cleared to prevent build up in the stalls.