1. All pets should be registered with the Board for monitoring and emergencies, including a photo where possible.

2. Owners of dogs who display extreme aggressive behavior or cause annoyance to others by excessive and/or chronic

barking, may be subject to warnings, fines and expulsion of the dog.

3. Dogs must always be on a leash outside the unit. Owners are permitted to walk their dogs on the west, east, and north
grassed areas, as well as sidewalks and paved areas of the property. Dogs are not permitted on greenspaces between
the buildings.

4. All animal feces on any common elements, including patios and balconies, must be cleaned up by the owner and
disposed of immediately. Fines for not cleaning up are, as follows: first offence $25.00 and subsequent incidents are
$100.00 each.

Pet Rules and Regs